Execute Postman tests from AWS CodeBuild

Manoj Kengudelu
2 min readDec 3, 2023


Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Object is to create API integration tests using Postman and execute it in AWS using AWS CodeBuild.


  • Create Postman Test Collection with Dynamic data set
  • Create Postman Environment
  • Export Collection and Postman to Local Drive.
  • Create buildspec.yml
version: 0.2

- npm install -g newman
- npm install -g newman-reporter-html

- newman run -r html,cli backend.postman_collection.json -e backend-Dev.postman_environment.json --reporter-html-export apireport.html

- apireport.html


  • Create S3 bucket to store the collection and environment json files
aws s3 mb s3://backend-api-test-collections
  • Push collection, environment json and buildspec.yml files to the bucket
aws s3 cp backend.postman_collection.json s3://backend-api-test-collections/postman-env-files/backend.postman_collection.json
aws s3 cp buildspec.yml s3://backend-api-test-collections/postman-env-files/buildspec.yml
  • Create S3 bucket to store the test results
aws s3 mb s3://backend-api-test-results
  • Create AWS CodeBuild
  • Note that Source Provider is Amazon S3
  • Choose buildspec.yml as buildspec file
  • Artifact — to store results
  • Trigger the AWS CodeBuild
  • Navigate to backend-api-test-results S3 bucket to find the html report apireport.html
  • During the creation of CodeBuild, you can create log group to send execution results to Cloudwatch



Manoj Kengudelu
Manoj Kengudelu

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